Catch up on the latest news from Aerofoil Energy HQ

Jetseal Boosts Savings by 15-25%
Jetseal prevents warm air being sucked between gaps in fridge doors, reducing energy consumption by 15-25%.

Elite: A New Benchmark for Refrigeration Efficiency
Aerofoil Energy’s Elite prototype cuts energy use by 56%.

Aerofoil Energy Presents Ground Breaking Research into Refrigeration Doors
At the recent International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain, Aerofoil Energy presented the findings from its extensive research into the energy efficiency of refrigeration doors.

Independent Research Confirms the Benefits of Aerofoils
Research published in the International Journal of Thermofluids has confirmed the benefits of using Aerofoils to reduce the energy consumption in refrigerated display cabinets.

Aerofoil Energy to Build a New, Ultra-efficient Supermarket Fridge
With the launch of COP26, Aerofoil Energy today announced that it will accelerate the prototyping and testing of its revolutionary Elite fridge.

Aerofoil Energy wins Queen’s Award for Enterprise
Her Majesty the Queen has today recognized Aerofoil Energy with a Queen's Award for Enterprise in Innovation.